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Pain is the most common complaint among those who have runner’s knee sometimes the pain

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We’re Available

Monday : 08.00 - 10.00
Tuesday : Free Day
Wednesday : 08.00 - 10.00
Thursday : 08.00 - 10.00
Friday : 09.00 - 07.00
Sat & Sun : Closed

©2019, Medizco Center. All Rights Reserved.


Estimados pacientes:

Viernes 29/03, Lunes 01/04 y Martes 02/04 el Laboratorio estará Cerrado por ser
Feriados Nacionales

Sábado  30/03 atenderemos en
nuestro horario habitual

Muchas gracias
Otras consultas - Whatsapp :  11-5327-7421